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Results for "main_practice: "Reverence", latest_content: 1"
Praying with the Earth at Dawn Awakening to the light of Spirit as it illuminates matter.
Birthday of John Muir A celebration of the naturalist, botanist, and geologist who founded the Sierra Club.
Birthday of Jane Goodall Observing the birthday of a UN Messenger of Peace and foremost expert on chimpanzees.
Earth Hour Earth Hour will be celebrated between 8:30 and 9:30 p.m. in your local time zone.
Birthday of Johann Sebastian Bach Celebrating the birthday of the renowned Baroque musician.
Experiencing the God of Nature A nature meditation to get in touch with awe of the elements.
Birthday of Martin Buber In honor of the Jewish philosopher, a reverence practice for your encounters with people, places, or things.
Tu B'Shevat Celebrating the Jewish New Year for Trees, Rosh HaShanah La'Ilanot
Birthday of Albert Schweitzer A birthday tribute to a true citizen of the world, extraordinary humanitarian, and practitioner of reverence for life.
Eco-Compassion A short meditation on caring for the earth.